Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Going Private and Our Fun Summer Adventures!

Benny was so sweet as to remind me today that I hardly ever update our blog. So, here I am! Before I give an update, I would like to let all our friends and family know we will be going private with our blog in a week or two. If you would like to keep viewing our blog we would love it - just please email us at I know, I may sound crazy, but I have had a couple friends who have some weird stories about pictures being taken off their blogs or strangers from bad sites who've looked at their blogs. Now that we have a baby, we feel really protective of her so we are going private!

We have had such a fun summer, though it went by way too quickly. Ben finished his last undergraduate class and started his masters degree last week! He is really enjoying it so far and is soooo excited to have his B.S. in Information Systems and B.S. in Accounting done. I'm so proud of him!!

Ben invested in some camping gear and we had some fun campouts! Cassi went swimming in her float, wore sunglasses, and slept in a tent for the first time!

The first place we went was up by Heber, UT. Cassi LOVED it!!

Our huge tent

Cassi having fun in the pool at our campsite!

Cassi chillin on the blow up mattress to help it deflate

Benny taking down the tent

We then went camping at Bear Lake with our friends Ryan and Heather and their darling son.

We also went to Institute date night. Cassi was very sweet the whole time and at the end got some one-on-one time with our teacher Brother Anderson!

Cassi and Bro A at Institute date night

Cassi needed a break at Institute date night so her daddy put her on his shoulders for the first time. She loved it!

We also have been fortunate to spend time with family! 

Cassi and her Grandpa at dinner. Cassi has so much fun with him!

Cassi and her Nana Evans - Cassi loves her Nana!

Below are a couple more random pics of Cassi from this summer.

Cassi has spent time relaxing with her daddy...

...playing in a storage bin

...playing around

...eating solids

...and CRAWLING!!!!!!

I have a few more great pics I want to post but will do so in my next post! We had tons of fun going to our cousin Eliza's Bat Mitzvah earlier this summer and pics from that will be in the next post too. We hope you all enjoyed your summer too!! Happy New School Year to all of you!!!


Maren and Blake said...

Cassi is getting so big. It's wierd to think about Ben being a dad, but he looks like the best. I would like to have access to your private blog, my e-mail is

Unknown said...

I would love to get an invite to view your blog. my email address is
I can't believe how big she is getting!! She's too cute.

Petertammenson said...

Oh, she's soooo adorable! We're thinking of going private too - just need to get organized enough! Our email is

Lianne Barr said...

how cute! I can't believe how fast she is growing! Please let me keep seeing your blog!

Katherine said...

I think I may have commented on Facebook, but if not, my email is Thanks!

Becky O said...

I never noticed this post til now. I love Cassie, she is so little and so cute! We need to see you guys soon! So I would love to be added to your private blog. My email is

Shawn and Kailey Ames said...

I would love access to your blog! (I'm Ben's cousin :). Thanks!